Michelle Monserrat Yol Mixiya
Ref# DU2485

About Me
My name is Michelle Monserrat Yol Mixiya. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
November 14, 2014.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am sending warm greetings and I hope our Lord is taking care of you! Praise the Lord my family and I attend Catholic Church; we go on Sundays. This time LW staff shared the gospel with us and encouraged us to continue seeking God and trust in Him; we appreciate so much that they did it. I am so thankful to God because my family and I are healthy.

My mother is Ingrid Anabela Mixiya Yapan, and she is 31 years old. She is striving to support me; she works as a domestic employee near home to get income. My father is Eswin Arnoldo Yol Davila, and he is 30 years old. He left for the United States some time ago, and he works as a farmer. However, he has another family, but he sends us a little support. We have a cat and parakeets as pets. We also grow a little bit of coffee.

This is Michelle Monserrat Yol Mixiya, and I will turn 9 years old in November of this year. I am a second-grade student; I receive classes at school and I like it because I can share time with my classmates. Fortunately, my mother can cover my schooling with the financial support that my father sends us. I want to continue with my studies and become a lawyer. The English language catches my attention, and I would like to learn how to speak it. My favorite season of the year is Christmas; I spend joyful time with my loved ones. I feel so excited when my birthday comes because my mother prepares a special lunch and hugs me; she loves me so much. The sport I like the most is football. I like sodas, especially Coca-Cola which is my favorite one. I want to tell you that I am so happy being part of the feeding program because I feel safe and welcome when I attend. For now, the primary need for us is clothes. I send much love and I hope to receive news from you very soon.

May God bless you wherever you are!

Bunch of hugs,

Michelle Monserrat Yol Mixiya

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala