Jordin Santiago Ruano de la Roca
Ref# NE2725

About Me
My name is Jordin Santiago Ruano de la Roca. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
December 5, 2013.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I greet you in Jesus’ name hoping you are doing well. My name is Jordin Santiago, and I am happy to tell you about me. I would like to start my letter asking for your prayers for my family, especially for my life. I am in good health, but I am receiving therapies with a psychologist because I have problems going to the bathroom in the correct time. I have attended therapies for two months, and I am getting better now. This year, I am in 3rd grade, and I am studying in the morning. I like playing soccer on weekends. One of my favorite dishes is refried beans with cream. I am grateful to LW Ministries because I have received grocery bags for my family and me as well as medical/dental attention for me. I love the Christmas celebration at the program because they teach us about Jesus’ birth.

My family and I live in a place called El Esfuerzo. My parents work hard to cover the home expenses. My dad works as a messenger while my mom works as a stylist; she suffers from diabetes and is taking medicine to control it. We are not attending church due to some personal problems. LW Evangelism team has shared God’s Word with us, and we have taken advantage of it to for their prayers for our spiritual life. Please also keep us in your prayers, especially my dad who is the head of the household. My mom and I gave this information to the team, and I hope it reaches you in the right time.

Sincerely yours

Jordin Santiago Ruano de la Roca

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua