Sandra Elizabeth Zepet Tzoy
Ref# PA1925

About Me
My name is Sandra Elizabeth Zepet Tzoy. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
May 18, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! How are you? I am Sandra, and I am happy to greet you through this letter. I want to tell you about my life and loved ones. My family and I attend the Catholic Church on Monday. LW Evangelism team shared God’s Word with us, and we are grateful for their words. My parents are in good health, and both are in the United States. My father works as a mason there, and he sends money for my needs monthly. His name is Jose, and he is 31 years old. My mother works hard at home. Her name is Maria, and she is 34 years old. I have communication with them every week. I am under the care of my grandma, Juana, who is 70 years old. We grow corn for our consumption, and we raise sheep, hens and one pig for selling when they grow up. We are frequently in need of groceries and corn.

My full name is Sandra Elizabeth Zepet Tzoy, and I am 11 years old now. I dream to become a merchant when I am older, and I would like to improve my Spanish since I speak Quiche dialect mostly. When it is my birthday, I enjoy singing “happy birthday” songs. I returned to study this year, but I am repeating first grade again; I am learning more now that I am attending school in person. Everything is more expensive now, so it has been difficult for my parents to cover my school supplies. My favorite drink is “mosh” (hot drink made from oats), and I love running. I like Christmas time because I see many fireworks. Living Water and you are very important for me because I have been blessed in a great way. I say goodbye to you for now hoping to have news from you soon.

Kisses and hugs

Sandra Elizabeth Zepet Tzoy

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio/A-A-C Secretary, Antigua Guatemala