Hector Rolando Gonzalez Coj
Ref# TU3220

About Me
My name is Hector Rolando Gonzalez Coj. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
October 11, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Tunajá is a very primitive area of the state of Quiché, Guatemala.  The inhabitants are Quiché Indians who trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization.  The prevalent language is the Indian dialect - Quiché.  The people are either farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their labors.  Very little money ever changes hands as they use a barter system. Public education is available - however, most families cannot afford it.  Electricity and running water are not available in most of the area.  Life in Tunajá is extremely difficult.


Hello, I am Hector Rolando Gonzalez Coj. This is the first time I can introduce myself. I feel grateful for the opportunity. I will star telling you about me. I was born on October 11, 2011. I am 13 years old. I am a fourth-grade student. In my free time, I like playing soccer. I like blue, and my favorite pet is the cat. I love eating fried chicken. Thank God, I am in good health. l like attending the feeding program because it is blessing to my life. I usually walk for one hour to arrive there.

About my family, sadly my father abandoned us 13 years ago. That means it was before I was born. He has another family and does not help us economically. However, he keeps in touch with us. My maternal grandmother helps us with our expenses. Besides that, I have some older siblings who work as day laborers to improve the income. My mother´s name is Maria Gonzalez Coj. She struggles to support our family by working as a weaver. I have three brothers and one sister. Two of my siblings are registered in the feeding program like me.

We live in our maternal grandparents´ house. It belongs to my grandmother. The house has two rooms and a kitchen. Its structure is made of adobe, tin sheet roof and dirt floor. We have running water and electricity. My mother and grandparents share the payment of those services. We do not have any domestic animals. As a family, we have many needs, but the main ones are corn and groceries. We are members of the Catholic Church. Well, I hope this information has been of interest to you. My aunt Cecilia was the one who gave this information the LW team. Thank you for your love. I will pray for you always.


Kisses and hugs,

Hector Rolando Gonzalez Coj


Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua