Angela Mishel Perez Gomez
Ref# DU2618

About Me
My name is Angela Mishel Perez Gomez. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
October 21, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Duenas, where your child lives, is a small farming village located at the foot of one of Guatemala's active volcanoes, Fuego (Fire). The fertile ground around the village allows for the cultivation of roses and coffee, two of Guatemala's largest exports. Most of the families in this area live in one or two room wooden or adobe houses with tin roofs. Electricity is available to those who can afford it. Running water is available - however, most homes do not have indoor plumbing. Public education is available for those who can afford it and consider education of value. Life in Duenas is quiet and sometimes difficult.


Hello! This is Angela Mishel Perez Gomez, and it is a blessing to tell you a little about my life. Before starting, let me tell you that my older sister, Yadira Perez, helped me write this letter to you. I was born on October 21, 2013. I am in fourth grade, and I like drawing in my free time. My favorite color is blue. I like cats, and my favorite food is Pepian (Guatemalan chicken, pork, or beef casserole). I attend the Foursquare Christian Church with my mom and siblings. I have one brother and two sisters. Sadly, my father passed away about two years and a half ago. His name was Miguel Angel Perez Garcia. The ones who support our family economically are my mom and oldest sister. My mom is Rosa Melida Gomez Matias de Perez, and she sells artisanal bread. My oldest sister is Nataly Perez, and she works making artisanal Jade jewelry.

Please, pray for my family and our needs. Our greatest needs are groceries. Fortunately, we live in our own house, which is made of concrete block walls, tin sheet roofs, and concrete floors. It has two rooms, a separate kitchen, electricity, and running water. As for pets, let me tell you that we have one cat and one dog. I am glad to be part of LW-Adopt A Child. The feeding program is a ten-minute walk from my home. I will leave you now, but I would like to hear from you soon. 

Huge and warm hugs,

Angela Mishel Perez Gomez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary