Maritza Izabel Cuin Luis
Ref# CH4724

About Me
My name is Maritza Izabel Cuin Luis. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
May 3, 2010.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Chixocol, where your child lives, is a very small village nestled in a mountain valley in the state of Quiché, Guatemala. Life in this state is very difficult. Most families live in one-room adobe houses with dirt floors and a small, attached kitchen. The extremely poor live in houses made of corn stalks. In the past few years, electricity and water have become available to most people in the area - however, indoor plumbing is very rare. Most of the families are farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their labors. Public education is available for those who can afford it and consider it of value.  Life in Quiché is always a challenge.

Hello, it is a pleasure to greet you. I am Maritza´s mother, and my name is Sebastiana Sicajau Luis. I am writing instead of my daughter because she is a child with disabilities, she does not speak, and sometimes she hits herself. She was recently enrolled in the feeding program from Chixocol and I am very happy about this. Let me introduce her. Her name is Maritza Izabel Cuin Luis, and she is now 14 years old. Her birthday is in May 3. She enjoys playing dolls and swinging. Due to her disability, she has never attended school. Her favorite color is pink and the dog is the animal that she likes the most. She likes to eat noodle soup. Maritza´s father never wanted to be responsible for her, and we do not know anything about him. My parents legally recognized her when she was born. Their names are Margarita Luis Cux y Francisco Cuin Sicajau. He works as a day laborer and she is a housewife. They take care of her and support her. However, we all live together. Currently, I have a new partner with whom I have two children, but he is only responsible for his own children. Maritza has one brother and two sisters, but only two of them are part the feeding program. At home, we have three rooms and a separate kitchen. The house is made of adobe and tin sheet, tin sheet roof and dirt floor. We do not have running water so we draw it from a well with jars. We do not have electricity either, so we use ocote and candles for lighting. Our main needs are groceries, clothes and shoes. We attend a Methodist church called Salvation Rock. Thank God, all the family is well. Maritza has trouble walking, so I'm going to pick up her meals.

I want to thank you for the support that my child has been receiving.

Many blessings

In name of: Maritza Izabel Cuin Luis

Translated by: Lucia Gravez/AAC Secretary