Cristian Alexander Coj Cux
Ref# TU3054

About Me
My name is Cristian Alexander Coj Cux. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
September 25, 2009.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I greet you and I wish you a happy and brilliant day. I want to tell you a little about my family and me through this little letter. I am Cristian Alexander Coj Cux and I am 14 years old. I am a healthy boy. I am in 7th grade at school. I study every day in the afternoon. On weekends, I help my mother with chores at home and I attend the church. LW has blessed my family and my life through the spiritual support, medical clinics and delicious meals such as fried chicken that I love eating. In the future, I would like to become a volunteer for Living Water because I like to serve others. I want to let you know that I enjoyed the special activities that the evangelism teachers did during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. My family is grateful for every benefit that I have received from the Ministry.

My mother`s name is Ignacia Lux Garcia. She lives with us; she raises hens to sell and get some income. In addition, she continues weaving typical clothes. Thankfully, she is in good health. As you know, my father abandoned us some years ago. She is the one that helps us economically. I want to ask for your prayers for my family especially for the school supplies that my two brother needs and because we do not have our own house. We live in my aunt`s house. Currently, we continue attending the Christian Church and we have Jesus in our hearts. With lots of love, (My mother provided this information to the Evangelism teachers)

Huge hugs,

Cristian Alexander Coj Cux

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary