Deysi Carmelina Morente Toj
Ref# ZA4357

About Me
My name is Deysi Carmelina Morente Toj. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
July 19, 2009.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

First, thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. This is Deysi, and I hope this finds you doing well. My family and I are members of the Full Gospel Church. We usually attend our services every Tuesday and Saturday. Taking advantage of this moment, I would like to ask for your prayers for my father so that he can look for God. The evangelism team shared the gospel with him while they collected this information for you. LW is a meaningful project since many children like my siblings and me have received delicious lunches. My mother, Carmelina Toj, is a very busy housewife. She also raises hens for our consumption. My father, Carlos Morente, makes a living as a day laborer. He does his best for our family. However, he does not earn enough to cover my school expenses and those of my siblings. Our priorities are food supplies. Fortunately, my whole family and I are healthy.

I am thirteen years old and I look forward to becoming a nurse when I am older. Therefore, I am striving at school as a seventh grader. I prefer to receive face-to-face classes because it helps me to increase my knowledge. I also would like to learn how to speak English someday. My favorite holiday is Christmas because my family and I love eating seasonal fruits. I like drinking mosh, Incaparina (typical hot beverages), and coffee. My birthday was in July, but I did not celebrate it because of a lack of economic resources. I like sports, but my favorite is soccer. This is all for now, but I hope to tell you more about my life soon. Take care of yourself!

With all my love,

Deysi Carmelina Morente Toj

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala