Zoila Adriana Tzoc Chingo
Ref# ZA3245

About Me
My name is Zoila Adriana Tzoc Chingo. I'm a 18-year-old.

My birthday is
December 13, 2005.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! How are you doing? My name is Zoila Adriana, and before sharing my news with you, I thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter. I still attend Mount Sinai Church. My family and I usually attend church twice a week. We are grateful to a teacher of LW who encouraged us to trust in the Almighty. Besides that, the teacher collected all my information to update you about my life. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I want you to know that the feeding program has been a great blessing for my family and me. My father is Julio Tzoc Gomez, and he is 52 years old. He works as a farmer for other people and grows corn and beans for our consumption. My mom is Candelaria Chingo Hernandez, and she is 52 years old. He is a diabetic man who takes natural medicine to keep stable. She is a housewife and raises hens for our consumption, although she sometimes sells them to get an extra income. As for her health, she has had vision problems. She usually takes painkillers when she has headaches.

I am 17 years old, and I would love to become a teacher when I am older. Therefore, I did my best as a seventh grader this year. I hope to receive face-to-face classes next year because the school method is much better for learning the lessons. My parents did their best to cover my school supplies. However, it was hard for them. Unfortunately, they do not have a stable job. I love Christmastime because I enjoy spending gorgeous moments with my family. I would love to speak a new language like English since it is engaging. My favorite drink is lemonade. Besides Christmas, I enjoy celebrating my birthday because my family prepares a special lunch. There are many sports, but my favorite is soccer. I will leave you now, but I send my kind regards. Take care of yourself!

From the bottom of my heart,

Zoila Adriana Tzoc Chingo

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala