Hello! I greet you cordially hoping you and your loved ones are doing well. I hope you enjoy reading my updated information because it is specially for you with all my love.
My family and I are grateful for every benefit that I have received from LW Ministries. Currently, as a family, we are attending the Christian Church called Spring of Eternal Life and we believe in God. LW teachers encouraged me to continue seeking God during the visit and I am grateful for their advice. My mother`s name is Sebastiana Panjoj Tevalan. She lives with us and she is a housewife. She is in good health and she raises hens to sell and get some income. She received Jesus in her heart many years ago. My father`s name is Saturnino Luis De La Cruz. He lives with the family. He is in good health and he accepted Jesus in his heart many years ago. He works as a farmer and day laborer every day in order to support us financially. In addition, he grows black beans for our family consumption. I want to tell you that my sister Beatriz passed away in this year in May due to a disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever and we are having a hard and sad time. I ask for your prayers for my family and for my sibling’s health.
I am Ernan Jubiel Luis Panjoj and I am 17 years old. Currently, I am suffering from anxiety and many problems with my nervous system. Fortunately, I am under medical treatment. I stay at home every day, but I am only seated or lying on bed. I accepted Jesus in my heart one year ago. LW has blessed my family and my life through the delicious meals for lunch. I like to eat the fried chicken that they serve. Moreover, I have been blessed with medicines in the medical clinic. I enjoyed receiving the special gift during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. May God bless you and I send you greetings! (My older sister Emiliana provided this information to the Evangelism teacher)
Lots of love,
Ernan Jubiel Luis Panjoj
Translated by: Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary